Oxfordshire's Historic Archives

Historic Oxfordshire

Preserving and Enhancing Access to Historic Oxfordshire
Records of Archaeological Work held by the Ashmolean Museum

Site Name: Swinbrook

Site Location: West Oxfordshire
Related Achive: Manning

Pain's Farm Round Barrow at Swinbrook is a small Bronze Age barrow, about 16m in diameter, covered in scrub and bushes, but in good condition. It is a Sheduled Ancient Monument. In 1815 the barrow was within Faws Grove, part of Wychwood Forest, but forest clearance has left it on its own in the field behind the farm.

The only other site Manning mentions at Swinbrook are the remains of 12 or 13 skeletons and some probably Roman coins in a field near Stonelands.


L. F. Salzman (1939) Victoria History of Oxfordshire, Vol I, p266

W. Page (1907) Victoria History of Oxfordshire, Vol II, p347

Archeologia, LXXI, p258

A. Mudd (1984) Round Barrows of the Oxfordshire Cotswolds, Appendix I

Site Photographs

Click on picture to see a larger image
Close view of Pains Farm Barrow
Pain's Farm Round Barrow looking towards the north-west (March 2006)
Pains Farm Barrow
Pain's Farm Round Barrow looking towards the north-west (March 2006)
© Copyright University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2006. Last updated: June-2006
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