Oxfordshire's Historic Archives

Historic Oxfordshire

Preserving and Enhancing Access to Historic Oxfordshire
Records of Archaeological Work held by the Ashmolean Museum

Site Name: Fordwells, nr Leafield

Site Location: West Oxfordshire
Related Achive: Manning

Percy Manning recorded a rectangular earthwork, referred to as 'Low Barrow', just south of Low Barrow House at Fordwells, near Leafield. A ditch was plainly visible in the cornfields, with the slight mounds of a bank.

Major G.W.G Allen took an aerial photograph of this feature in 1933, when it was still clearly visible. (Note Major Allen refers to the house as 'Loughborough House' on his aerial photographs)

Local tradition stated that this earthwork was the site of a Roman villa. Roman coins and an brooch were found on the site, but it is unclear whether this was a villa site.

An iron spearhead was also found at Fordwell's in 1880 during the digging of a well. Manning recorded this spearhead as being at Bristol Museum.


Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, Vol II, p348

O.S. map (old)


Aerial Photographs

Click on picture to see a larger image
Fordwell Rectangular Earthwork
Photograph of Rectangular Earthwork at Fordwells taken 10 June 1933 (Ref Album 5,53)

Site Photographs

Fordwell's Low Barrow
'Low Barrow' at Fordwells taken looking towards the north-west (March 2006) - some stone-work and the ditch are just visible on the ground.
© Copyright University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2006. Last updated: June-2006
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