Oxfordshire's Historic Archives

Historic Oxfordshire

Preserving and Enhancing Access to Historic Oxfordshire
Records of Archaeological Work held by the Ashmolean Museum

Site Name: Chesterton Barrow

Site Location: West Oxfordshire
Related Achive: Manning

Chesterton Barrow is a large mound sitting right by the side of the road in a piece of wooded ground at the junction of the A43 and A4095, opposite Middleton Stoney Park.

The mound now looks slightly more oval than round in shape and is approximaely 6 feet high, covered with bushes and trees. It has been tentatively dated to the Saxon period, as it appears to be unusually large for a Bronze Age Barrow. An excavation in 1974 in advance of road-widening revealed some Romano-British sherds but no inhumations, and no other dating evidence. It is a scheduled ancient monument.


Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, Vol I, p263

Gregory and Rowley, Council for British Archaeology, Group 9 Newsletter, 1974, p12

Warton, History of Kiddington, 3rd ed., p18

Site Photographs

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Chesterton Barrow
Chesterton Barrow looking west
(April 2006)
© Copyright University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2006. Last updated: June-2006
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