Oxfordshire's Historic Archives

Historic Oxfordshire

Preserving and Enhancing Access to Historic Oxfordshire
Records of Archaeological Work held by the Ashmolean Museum

Site Name: Over Norton Barrow

Site Location: North West Oxfordshire
Related Achive: Manning

At Over Norton is Bronze Age barrow that sits enclosed in a compound, next to the reservoir (belonging to the Water Authoritiy since the 1960s) at the roundabout where the A3400 crosses the A361. The barrow can be seen if you take the public footpath towards Over Norton, which starts on the corner on the roundabout behind iron railings.

In 1940 the diameter was 60 feet, height 4 feet, and the barrow was reported to be in good condition. A site visit in 1984 recorded the barrow as 17m diameter and 1.2m high.

There are old references to another possible barrow in Over Norton Park. This feature was never recorded on any map as a tumulus, and recent theories believe it may have been the remains of a rabbit warren.


A. Mudd, Round Barrows of the Oxfordshire Cotswolds, 1984

Victoria County History of Oxfordshire, Vol II, p346

Site Photographs

Click on picture to see a larger image
Over Norton Barrow
Over Norton Barrow (April 2006)
Bank of Reservoir near Over Norton Barrow

The bank of the reservoir to the right of the barrow (April 2006)


© Copyright University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2006. Last updated: June-2006
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