Oxfordshire's Historic Archives

Historic Oxfordshire

Preserving and Enhancing Access to Historic Oxfordshire
Records of Archaeological Work held by the Ashmolean Museum

Site Name: Steeple Barton

Site Location: North Oxfordshire
Related Achive: Manning

The Hoar Stone is one of the sites Manning documented in Steeple Barton.

'The Hoar Stone' in Steeple Barton parish was almost certainly a burial mound, a round or more likely, a long barrow. It was broken up for roadstone by a tenant farmer in 1843. The new owner of Barton Abbey, Mr. H. Hall (of Hall's Brewery family) gathered all the broken stones together and enclosed them with iron railings.

"Demolition of 'cromlech'" was recorded in Potts MSS and "ruin of Druicidal altar" was recorded in Gardner's and Kelly's directories. A nineteenth century description (before it was demolished) reads "2 side-pieces and a lintel, probably a simple terminal chamber or blind entrance".

The iron railings have long gone, but the stones are still visible from the main Banbury to Oxford road, on the west side of the road by Hopcrofts Holt.


O.G.S. Crawford, Long Barrows of the Cotwolds, p215

Gardner's Directory (1852)

Kelly's Directory (1891)

Potts MSS, Banbury Museum

W. Wing (1845) The Antiquities and History of Steeple Aston, p27

A. Beesley (1841) History of Banbury

Daniel (1950) Prehistoric Chamber Tombs of England and Wales

Corcoran, in Powell et al, Megalithic Enquiries in the West of Britain (Liverpool, 1969)

Field Investigations by County Archaeology in 1972, 1978 and 1983

Site Photographs

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Steeple Barton Hoar Stone
Hoar Stone, Steeple Barton, near Hopcrofts Holt (2006)

The gathered up Hoar Stones

The gathered up stones of the Hoar Stone (2006)



© Copyright University of Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 2006. Last updated: June-2006
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