Oxfordshire's Historic Archives

Historic Oxfordshire

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Records of Archaeological Work held by the Ashmolean Museum

Site Name: Beckley

Site Location: West Oxfordshire
Related Achive: Manning

Various Roman finds from Beckley were documented by Percy Manning, particularly building remains and tessellated pavements from a Roman villa site. He also notes a possible Roman road.

A Roman brooch from Beckley, and pin, found near the Roman road, are now in the Ashmolean Museum (AN1886.1140-41). In fact, in 1892 some labourers digging close to Wick Farm found a Romano-British burial containing a skeleton of an adult female.

Manning also notes a spindle whorl with red enamel was found in the allotments at Beckley in 1894.


Proceedings of the Oxford Architectural & Historical Society, Vol I, No VII, March 1862, pp185-190

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